
Hire Couriers Instantly

On-demand package delivery is what we do, so you can stay focused on your business. Try our app or contact sales for custom requests.

Astronaut in the air

Client Testimonials

JakStat Courier is the #1 delivery option for businesses around the country.

JakStat Courier has transformed the way we manage our projects. Its well-designed interface and powerful features make it a must-have tool for any startup. We've seen a great increase in our productivity and collaboration.
Eli Jang

Eli Jang

Sales Lead at Propbot

As a marketing professional, I love using JakStat Courier to streamline our marketing campaigns. The automation features and data analytics help us make data-driven decisions and optimize our business strategies.
Jane Melgar

Jane Melgar

Head of Marketing at Instamath

JakStat Courier has revolutionized the way we handle customer support. The ticketing system and knowledge base have significantly reduced response times, leading to happier customers. Thanks to this incredible tool.
Mike Perez

Mike Perez

Senior Marketing Lead at Halalster

JakStat Courier has simplified our employee management processes. From onboarding to performance evaluations, everything is now seamlessly organized in one place. It's made my job much more manageable and enjoyable!
Emily Khandaker

Emily Khandaker

Marketing Manager at ConnectColex

Our sales team swears by JakStat Courier's CRM capabilities. The lead tracking and pipeline management tools have resulted in a significant boost in sales. It's a versatile platform that has truly optimized our sales processes.
David Kawashima

David Kawashima

Sales Director at Linkster

JakStat Courier has been a lifesaver for our finance department. Its robust accounting features and automated invoicing have saved us countless hours of manual work. It's the perfect financial companion for any business!
Sarah Paik

Sarah Paik

Brand Lead at Suppliery

Enhance Your Delivery Experience

Elevate your delivery capabilities with JakStat Courier's advanced solutions. From rapid, reliable dispatching to secure handling and comprehensive coverage, we provide everything to streamline your delivery process and ensure customer satisfaction.

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Streamline Your Deliveries with Our Fast and Reliable Services

Optimize your delivery process with JakStat Courier. Our platform ensures speedy dispatch and delivery, keeping your business moving forward.

  • Quick and Accurate Dispatch
  • Wide Geographic Reach
  • User-Friendly Tracking System
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Stay Updated with Real-Time Tracking and Secure Handling

Harness the power of a HIPAA-compliant delivery platform trusted by healthcare professionals nationwide. With JakStat Courier, track your deliveries in real-time and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with secure handling and delivery of your packages.

  • 100% HIPAA-compliant
  • Real-Time Package Location Updates
  • 24/7 Live Customer Support

Need More? - We've Got You Covered

From ensuring the utmost security with cutting-edge verification processes to keeping you in the loop every step of the way with real-time updates, we've designed our services to provide comprehensive solutions.

Signature Capture

Ensure the security and authenticity of each delivery with our signature capture feature. Confirm receipt with just a few taps.

Identification Verification

Enhance the safety of sensitive deliveries with ID verification, ensuring that your packages are always delivered to the right hands.

Real-Time Tracking

Stay updated with live tracking for your deliveries. Know where your package is at any moment for peace of mind and efficient planning.

Comprehensive Coverage

Enjoy expansive delivery services with our nationwide coverage, reaching even the most remote areas to connect your business everywhere.

Custom Delivery Windows

Offer your customers the convenience of choosing their preferred delivery times, enhancing satisfaction and repeat business.

Eco-friendly Options

Support sustainability with our eco-friendly delivery options. Reduce your carbon footprint while ensuring efficient service.

Do Delivery the Easy Way.

Have Questions? Talk to our sales team and find out if JakStat Courier is right for you.

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